Welcome to the Korumburra Secondary College Community.
Korumburra Secondary College is an ever expanding progressive, co-educational school which enrols students from Years 7-12, aiming to provide a challenging and sequential curriculum that is responsive to the Victorian Curriculum for Year 7-10 and Year 11-12 options through Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), Vocational Education and Training (VET), VCE Vocational Major (VM) and Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC). We are proud of our academic and applied signature programs which include LikeMinds 7/8, Likeability classes across English and Maths, and Year 8/9 Activate programs. Our staff work in collaborative teams to document a guaranteed curriculum which includes scope and sequence documents and unit plans. Lesson plans are uploaded for every lesson and follow a clear school-wide instructional model.
The college offers a variety of educational experiences which include the South Gippsland School Music Program (SGSMP); athletics, swimming and cross country events; interschool sport; Outdoor Education courses; school drama performances: “A Night to Remember” a display of student performances; community service and many extra-curricular activities, excursions and camps throughout each school term.
Our wellbeing programs provide significant supports across the student body and community, integrating a range of resources into educational programs around mental health, inclusion, diversity and respectful relationships.
We are proud of our experienced and dedicated staff, who are continually upgrading their skills with targeted professional development. We aim to provide the best possible learning environment for our students and foster pride and engagement at all levels of the college. Our wonderful new buildings are set amongst beautiful countryside and provide state of the art facilities for our school community. We offer you an open invitation to contact or visit our college at any time.